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Wellness 101: What You Need to Know About Wellness

Over the years, there have been many definitions of wellness. In fact, wellness one of those overused terms that you would hear not only from medical professionals but also from people who call themselves health experts.

Why is it Called Wellness?

The term “wellness” was coined to encompass a broader and more holistic concept of health beyond the absence of disease. It emerged as a response to the limitations of a purely medical model that focused primarily on diagnosing and treating illnesses.

The term “wellness” originated in the 1950s and gained prominence in the 1970s through the pioneering work of Dr. Halbert L. Dunn, often considered the father of the modern wellness movement.

The concept of wellness

Dr. Dunn, an American physician, introduced the concept of “high-level wellness,” emphasizing a proactive approach to health promotion and disease prevention.

The word “wellness” derives from the English word “well,” meaning being in good health or satisfactory condition. It combines the idea of well-being with the suffix “-ness,” which denotes a state or condition. Thus, “wellness” signifies a state of being well, both physically and mentally.

The term was chosen to shift the focus from solely addressing sickness and disease to promoting optimal well-being across various dimensions of life. It acknowledges that health is not solely determined by the absence of illness but is also influenced by lifestyle choices, self-care practices, and the balance of physical, mental, emotional, social, occupational, and spiritual aspects.

By using the term “wellness,” the intention is to highlight the importance of self-responsibility, proactive engagement, and personal empowerment in maintaining and improving overall well-being. It encompasses the idea that individuals have the capacity to actively pursue a balanced and fulfilling life, making choices that enhance their health, happiness, and quality of life.

Wellness is More than just Being Not Sick

Because the meaning varies so much based on the source, we will just share the definition according to the World Health Organization (WHO)

Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

So there you have it. According to the WHO themselves, wellness is more than just being not sick. Not because you feel great and you are not aware of any illnesses you have within your body, it doesn’t mean you have achieved the total state of wellness.

There are actually way too many sources that share numerous concepts of wellness that pinpointing the most important parts of it can be very challenging. To summarize, it is good to know that wellness is your own way to develop your whole self – your entire being, not just your body. Deciding to move towards wellness means you want to become not only a healthier but also a happier person.

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness means your body is well and free from illnesses. In short, you are a generally healthy person. To be physically well means you exercise regularly and you eat healthy. If you don’t, then there’s a chance that you aren’t exactly as healthy as you think. Remember, not being sick doesn’t automatically mean you’re healthy. Preventive measures must, of course, be taken to ensure that you will remain well for as long as possible.

There’s an abundance of wellness establishments across the world. From massage parlors to spas and even medical clinics, these can all be considered as businesses or organizations that can contribute to your wellness. For instance, if you go to a wellness spa, you can get a massage, facial, other beauty and slimming treatments, salon procedures and so much more.

According to www.keyforhealth.net

Looking and feeling beautiful can also be part of your physical wellness.

Mental and Emotional Wellness

Mental and emotional wellness are two different things, but they go hand in hand. As they say, matters of the heart can be solved by the brain. What we feel can be affected by what we think, and vice versa.

Depression is a serious thing. Anxiety is real. These mental conditions can ultimately affect emotional and physical wellness too. If there are spas for physical wellness, there are organizations and experts who offer services for those who need assistance for their mental and emotional wellness too.

All Aspects of Wellness are Interrelated

As mentioned above, mental conditions can affect emotional and physical wellness. Physical wellness can also affect mental and emotional wellness too. For instance, if we feel sick or if our physical appearance is not exactly what we want it to be, we can feel sad about it; worse, it can lead to depression.

Wellness is being conscious of yourself and your entire being as a whole.

When you want to be well, you have to focus on your physical health, mental health and even your emotional health. Feeling complete as a person makes you achieve wellness.

Why is Wellness so Important?

Wellness is important because it encompasses all aspects of a person’s well-being and promotes a balanced, fulfilling, and healthy life. Here are some key reasons why wellness is important:

  1. Overall Well-Being: Wellness focuses on the holistic well-being of an individual, including physical, mental, emotional, social, occupational, and spiritual aspects. It recognizes that these dimensions are interconnected and that nurturing each one contributes to an individual’s overall quality of life.
  2. Disease Prevention: Prioritizing wellness can help prevent the onset of various health conditions. Engaging in healthy lifestyle practices such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, stress management, and adequate sleep can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and certain cancers.
  3. Enhanced Quality of Life: By focusing on wellness, individuals can experience a higher quality of life. Optimal physical health, mental well-being, and emotional resilience allow people to engage fully in activities they enjoy, maintain fulfilling relationships, and pursue personal and professional goals.
  4. Increased Energy and Vitality: A wellness-oriented lifestyle promotes increased energy levels and vitality. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and self-care practices contribute to improved physical fitness, mental alertness, and overall vitality, enabling individuals to actively participate in daily activities and enjoy a more energetic life.
  5. Stress Reduction: Wellness practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and stress management techniques can help individuals effectively cope with stress. By incorporating these practices into their lives, individuals can reduce stress levels, enhance resilience, and promote a sense of calm and balance.
  6. Improved Mental Health: Wellness plays a vital role in supporting mental health. Engaging in activities that promote emotional well-being, seeking support when needed, and practicing self-care contribute to reducing the risk of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Prioritizing mental health can enhance overall life satisfaction and promote a positive outlook.
  7. Longevity and Aging Well: By adopting a wellness-focused lifestyle, individuals can potentially increase their life expectancy and age more gracefully. Healthy habits, regular physical activity, proper nutrition, and stress reduction can help prevent age-related illnesses, maintain cognitive function, and promote healthy aging.
  8. Increased Productivity and Success: When individuals prioritize wellness, they often experience increased productivity and success in their personal and professional lives. By maintaining physical health, managing stress, and fostering mental clarity, individuals can perform better, make informed decisions, and pursue their goals with greater focus and determination.
  9. Positive Influence on Others: When individuals prioritize their own wellness, they become role models and inspirations to others. By demonstrating healthy habits and self-care practices, they can positively influence their families, friends, and communities, creating a ripple effect of well-being.
  10. Personal Fulfillment: Ultimately, wellness is important because it contributes to personal fulfillment and a sense of purpose. When individuals take care of their physical, mental, and emotional well-being, they can lead happier, more meaningful lives and experience a greater sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

By embracing wellness as a way of life, individuals can proactively invest in their own well-being and unlock the benefits that promote a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling existence.