bathtub with water and flowers

Health and Wellness: The 3 Most Important Things Your Body Needs  

The things you are about to read, you probably already know. You just need a little push right now or a reminder on what you need to do to keep your body healthy and your entire well-being in perfect order.

You don’t have to be in perfect shape literally. Some people appear overweight or underweight but remain healthy. What matters is that you exert the extra effort. Your body deserves the best treatment. After all, if you’re not physically healthy, how will you manage to do all the regular things and the usual activities required in everyday life?

How is Wellness Different from Health?

Wellness and health are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings and focus areas. Here’s a breakdown of the differences between wellness and health:


Health primarily refers to the absence of disease or illness and the state of being physically and mentally free from any significant impairment or discomfort. It is often measured by objective indicators such as vital signs, laboratory results, and diagnostic tests. Health focuses on the body’s functioning and the absence of specific ailments or conditions. Healthcare professionals assess and diagnose health conditions and provide medical interventions to restore or maintain health.


Wellness is a broader and more holistic concept that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional well-being beyond the absence of disease. It involves actively pursuing a healthy and balanced lifestyle to enhance overall quality of life. Wellness is characterized by a proactive approach to health, emphasizing self-care, preventive measures, and self-improvement. It considers various dimensions, including physical, emotional, intellectual, social, occupational, and spiritual aspects of well-being.

Key Differences

  1. Focus: Health focuses on the absence of illness and the body’s physiological functioning, while wellness takes a comprehensive approach, emphasizing overall well-being across various dimensions of life.
  2. Prevention vs. Treatment: Health often focuses on diagnosing and treating specific health conditions, while wellness emphasizes preventive measures to maintain optimal health and prevent the onset of diseases.
  3. Proactivity: Wellness encourages individuals to take an active role in managing their well-being through lifestyle choices, self-care practices, and adopting healthy habits. Health, on the other hand, is often managed reactively in response to specific health issues or symptoms.
  4. Holistic Perspective: Wellness considers multiple aspects of an individual’s life and well-being, including mental, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions, whereas health primarily focuses on the physical body and its functioning.
  5. Quality of Life: While health is essential for a good quality of life, wellness goes beyond the absence of illness to promote a higher level of overall well-being, life satisfaction, and personal fulfillment.

Of course, wellness and health are interconnected and influence each other. Taking care of your health through medical interventions and seeking appropriate healthcare is essential for overall wellness. Similarly, pursuing a wellness-oriented lifestyle, including healthy habits, stress management, and self-care practices, can contribute to better health outcomes.

According to

Embracing both health and wellness approaches can lead to a more comprehensive and balanced approach to your overall well-being, promoting a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life.

3 Most Important Things for Health and Wellness

What are the most important things for health and wellness? There are three things you should keep in mind: eat healthy, exercise regularly, rest enough.

Make Healthy Eating a Daily Habit

Truth be told, it is difficult to consistently eat healthy at all times. No one’s asking you to be a vegetarian or to skip all the delicious but sinful goodies entirely. All you need is self-control. Know what is right for you. Have a little bit of everything. Anything excessive, even if it’s supposed to be good, can become harmful.

Of course, vegetables and fruits should always be present in your daily diet. Protein that you can get from meat and carbs that you can get from bread or rice are healthy, too. Reward yourself with some of the not-so-healthy things occasionally to avoid the feeling of self-deprivation. Sneak in a few squares from a bar of chocolate or have a grand feast in a buffet restaurant once a month.

What matters is that you’re giving your body all the vitamins and nutrients it needs to remain healthy. You can talk to your physician to see what’s good or bad for you depending on your health condition. You can also speak with a nutritionist or a dietician. However, these are not really required especially if you don’t have major health issues in the first place.

Really, it’s that simple. Just eat healthy!

Make Time to Exercise

Exercising doesn’t mean going to the gym every day. Yes, you can get gym membership so that you have a fitness coach guiding you to achieve your fitness goals. However, if you simply want to remain healthy, a 15-minute daily workout should be enough. If you want to do more than that, then that’s better!

You’ll be surprised how cheap you can get an indoor bike or an elliptical machine so you won’t have to pay for a gym membership anymore. You don’t even have to spend any money if you choose to do sit-ups and jumping jacks in your home. Not only that, but you can also skip using the car and walk instead if you’re going somewhere near. There are so many ways to exercise. Stop making excuses already. If there’s a will, there’s a way!

Make Sure You Have Enough Sleep

Your body needs to rest too.

According to The National Sleep Foundation

NSF recommends 7 to 9 hours of sleep for young adults and adults. Yes, whether you’re 18 or 64, you need to sleep that much.

However, in reality, it is difficult to make time for sleep.

According to

You spend hours at work and have so many other things to do before and after work hours so many of us settle with 4, maybe 5 hours of sleep. Those hours will never be enough. You think it’s fine because you can still function when you’re awake, but one day later on, you will see some changes in your physical wellness that is a result of lack of sleep.

Time management is key. Create a daily schedule and make sure that your schedule includes enough time for sleep. And when you go to bed, make sure you go to sleep. Ditch your phone and leave your social media accounts alone. Just sleep.